RocklandUSA RP Server Rules

All of the rules listed have associated punishments for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. offenses.
The list of all punishments will be published on this site under Punishments.

Any of the rules that talk about “RP” meaning Role Play include discussing in Voice Chat, Typing Text in Game Chat or in Discord, any prohibited RP which is either carried out or discussed or talked about in game or in the Discord community is included in “RP” for the purposes of the rules.

​Management reserves the right to interpret and apply rules using their digression depending on many factors of each situation. ​​

  1. Initiation: 
    • What is initiation?
      • Initiation is required to engage in RP with another player. When Initiating you must make the player aware of your intent. To initiate you must be visible to the player and AT LEAST within shout voice range. You have visual and voice contact with the player.
      • You must allow the other person to respond to your roleplay with words or actions.
        1. Examples of a response from the other player would be: running away, responding verbally, they pull out a gun. (If they are running away you can chase them, but don’t just shoot them as the first response)
      • How Long must initiation take?
        1. It depends on the situation, but in general it needs to be long enough for the other player to understand your intention and for the other player to respond to your initiation. You should give reasonable time to engage the other player. Also, you should not always just shoot someone who just responded to you, killing/shooting for no reason or just to get their items is FAILRP. Use of guns should be a last resort after initiation and interaction.
          • If you do not follow the interaction rules, then it will be considered FailRP for example, going up to someone without any initiation and shooting them and robbing them is FailRP.
        2. How long does the initiation last?
          • You can continue RP with the same initiation for 10 minutes, after 10 minutes if you have not had contact with that player, you need to initiate again.
          • For example, if you initiate an RP, then they run away, if you see them 2 minutes later, the initiation can continue, but you must still make them aware you are after them (i.e. no random RDM or ambush)
          • But, if you lost them and it’s been longer then 10 minutes and you see them, you MUST initiate again and start fresh, the last interaction is over and you must start new initiation.
  2. No Intent to Role Play (NITRP) is not tolerated. This is an RP server, players are here to RP, not to do GTA driving, have RDM and VDM, NITRP is not tolerated and strictly enforced.
  3. No VDM VDM is randomly going around in a vehicle and ramming or crashing into people for no reason and with no RP purpose. It is not allowed.
  4. No RDM RDM is randomly going around shooting, punching or attacking other players with no RP purpose. It is not allowed.
    • ​​​Clarification to RDM and Robbing Players: You may not randomly rob people, or randomly kill players to rob them. You must have a valid Roleplay reason like some form of interaction that has built up between you and that specific person that would make you take hostile actions towards them. You cannot rob someone just because you want their items / money.
  5. No FailRP Fail RP occurs when characters in an RP scene break character, or do things that are not correct RP. This includes reviving after being killed, changing or re-spawning cars or any other action which is nor part of the RP scene. FailRP will result in Kick or Ban.
  6. New Life Rule (NLR) – We enforce a lite version of NLR, if you die, you can continue being your character, but you should not remember or go after anyone in a previous RP scene where you died. You should not have any memory of the events, and act as though it did not happen.
  7. Fear for Life: you should have a healthy and realistic fear for your life in RP. This means if someone points a gun at you you would react with the same “fear” you would in real life that you do not want to be killed.
  8. Fear/Respect of Law Enforcement: You should act as if you respect and have a good fear of Law Enforcement (police), i.e. you don’t want to get caught or in trouble with the police.  You should not usually rob police as this would not happen IRL, and you are not allowed to have any weapon or item that would belong only to the police, you are allowed (if you do rob a cop) to take non police weapons, and ammo, but nothing more, not even money.
  9. No GTA Driving – GTA driving is driving at excessive speeds all of the time, crashing into objects, other cars or other players for no RP Purpose. It is not allowed.
  10. No Car Armor or Bullet Proof Tires – Armored cars / tires are not allowed except for police vehicles.
  11.  No Cars on Airfield Runways – Driving or racing cars on Airfield Runways is prohibited.
  12. Do not abuse “super cars” – Supercars or Exotic Cars are considered any vehicle with a IRL price of $80K or higher, Super Cars are subject to all of the rules including GTA Driving at excessive speeds and all other rules. If you are driving a super car, you are still not allowed to break any of the rules. 
  13. No Combat Logging
    • ​Combat logging is logging out to avoid an interaction or to prevent a scene from continuing. For example (but not limited to):
      • Getting caught by police and not wanting your illegal items to be confiscated, or getting robbed so you decide to log out.
        1. We understand that crashes may happen but if it is found that you have combat logged, action will be taken. Crash reports are auto saved in your files so if you claim you crashed, be ready to show staff your FiveM logs.
      • It is not allowed to leave game because you are getting arrested, robbed or facing any other kind if situation that you want to get out of. It will result in a BAN on the first offense, and you may loose your items/money anyway.
        1. We will not accept Game Timeout (we see the logs) as a valid excuse to get away with combat logging unless it is in the logs and we verify it, If you leave the scene and it is showing exiting you will be charged with combat logging.
      • The only way to fix COMPAT LOGGING is to IMMEDIATELY get back in game, and go to the exact previous location and continue with the scene (i.e. continue getting arrested etc) or turn yourself into the police to be arrested.
        1. If you do not go back to the scene or attempt to resume the scene when you return to game, you will be checked by staff for combat logging. and in that situation the ban will be much longer, since you tried to avoid losing your items or money. You must go back Immediately once you relog, there will be a very short grace period (long enough for you to log back in and go back to the scene, 2-3 minutes). YOU can’t go back 10 minutes later and expect to resume the scene and if you were reported for Combat Logging you will be banned.
        2. If you turn yourself to the police IMMEDIATELY when you return to game (and it was a police scene) – they will continue the arrest process and you will not be charged with combat logging.
  14. No Avoiding Staff besides combat logging (above) to avoid Staff, any other action to avoid a staff situation will result in a ban. Actions such as not stopping when asked by staff, running away or any avoidance short of combat logging is considered Avoiding Staff and will result in a ban. If you exit the game in this situation it is considered combat logging. 
  15. No Sexual or Erotic RP violators will be banned.
  16. No Vest RP You cannot RP that you are wearing a bullet proof vest and self-revive in an RP scene just because you say you were wearing it.  You are allowed to add Armor to your character through the menu.  When the game says you are dead, you are dead and must follow the rules for Self-Revive in RP.
  17. No Mic or Chat Spamming Mic Spamming is yelling loudly, screaming into your mic. Chat spamming (including In Game and Discord) is spamming the same thing over and over in text for an extended period. If you are seen or heard spamming, you will be kicked or banned. This includes using any sound board or voice changers or sending loud sounds through voice chat or radio or RTO.
  18. No GTA or Default Peds You are not allowed to use stock GTA characters in our RP server. You must make a customized Ped using the F1 Menu and MP Ped Customization. Such Custom Peds can be saved and also used as your default Ped once saved. Anyone in a GTA ped will be warned and asked to change it. If players persistently use GTA Peds, they will be then kicked then banned.
  19. No Animal RP – No player is allowed to use an Animal Ped, if players are found in Animal Peds and asked to change out, and do not, they will be banned.
  20. No Injecting into RP Scenes – If you see an RP scene going on, and you are not part of it, either directly, or indirectly, you must stay out if it or you may be kicked or banned. If you see someone who has been pulled over do not interfere with the scenario unless you are involved, drive past in a normal fashion If you see a robbery taking place don’t be a hero drive to a safe location and call the police. If you see a police chase do not get involved, you can give directions if asked by a police officer, but do not try to ram the suspect, shoot and or join the pursuit. If you want to be involved in police chases, join LEO.
  21. No Forced RP – you should never force a player to do an RP scene. If they say they do not want to RP with you, then leave them alone. If you are a player who does not want to RP particular scene, you MUST say, I do not want to RP this scene and leave. IF you do not say you don’t want to RP, the other party will not be responsible and you cannot complain about it to staff.
  22. No Griefing – Continuously harassing a player multiple scenes in a row is not allowed. You are NOT allowed to camp/post up by Green Zones waiting for people to attack when they leave the zone.
  23. No Robbing AFK Player – If a player is AFK you are not allowed to rob them.
  24. No Meta Gaming –
    • Do not use any information you may be aware of to give you an advantage in RP situations. Examples would be
      • Seeing the name of the person Speaking in game, seeing a message in “/ooc” or any other information outside of the RP scene,
      • Even if you recognize the voice of the player they may be RP’ing as a different character, so make sure you don’t call them by the wrong name. Follow the RP scene, don’t go out of character even if you know the person.
      • (Staff and LEO have specific rules on Meta Gaming, and staff is expected not to Meta Game when doing RP Scenes)
      • Use of Discord or other outside communication in an RP scene is Meta Gaming, use in game radio​
      • Use of any information in game to determine players names in your area is eEta Gaming, for example use of /cashregister and/or other in game commands to find players names is not permitted, this is also considered Exploiting. 
  25. No cop baiting – Do not purposefully try and get police attention on you by doing things you would not do with an officer near you. This includes, doing burn outs, purposefully revving your motor at lights to bait a pull over/chase, purposely committing traffic violations in the vicinity of a police officer.
  26. No Shooting/Robbing Cops – when only one Cop on: If there is only one cop on duty, you are not allowed to shoot or rob the cop (they have no way to call for backup).  If you do shoot or rob the only cop on duty, you will be reported to staff and dealt with, please don’t do it.
  27. No shooting Police for no good RP reason – You cannot randomly shot a cop for no RP reason, no reason is “they pulled me over”, they took my stuff. If you do shoot the, it will be considered RDM and you will be reported to Staff.  If you are in a chase, or you are in another scene where RP has been established (a robbery for example) then shooting police might be ok at that point if the scene calls for it.
  28. No non police emergency lights on public roads – All Civilians are prohibited from driving vehicles with emergency lights flashing or in operation on public roads. Such vehicles with such lights are only allowed by authorized agencies such as Police, EMS, DOT or Towing.  Any other Civilian Org is not allowed to operate the emergency lights of vehicles which may be provided to them at any time on public roads.
  29. No Ambush RP – you may not just shoot people from a distance and leave, this is considered FailRP/RDM. If you want to ambush someone with any weapon, you can do so for “hits” etc, but you must let the person know there is a bounty or hit on them and they must agree before you can do the Ambush RP.  (If they do not agree it will be considered Force RP if you do it). Using any weapon to randomly kill people without it being part of a scene or agreement will be considered RDM and/or Force RP, there must be some form of Initiation
  30. Use of Sniper weapons in crimes – We allow sniper weapons to be used by all members as long as it is part of an RP scene, meaning a scene has to have already been started before a sniper weapon can be used. Using a sniper to randomly kill people without it being part of a scene or agreement will be considered RDM. An example would be starting a bank robbery and having police arrive on scene. You cannot ambush the police, but once the police are engaged in the scene, you could use a sniper weapon against the police during the scene, also the police can use them against the criminals.  If you ambush someone (shooting from a distance and leaving, that is not RP and is a violation) See above No Ambush RP.
  31. No Suicide RP – We do not allow RP scenes involving suicide of any kind, this will result in an instant perm ban.
  32. No Bomb RP – Explosive Weapons are blacklisted and are not allowed at any time,
  33. No Terrorist RP – Terrorist RP is never permitted. Even though it might happen IRL, it is a sensitive subject for many, so we do not allow it at any time, this will result in an instant perm ban.
  34. No Military RP– you are never allowed to RP as any kind of Military, use military vehicles or military weapons
  35. No Weapons on Vehicles – you are never allowed to use a weapon on a vehicle, which includes any kind of vehicle. Even if the vehicle can be spawned with a weapon, you must delete the vehicle and not use the vehicle or the weapon which is part of the vehicle. 
  36. No Gang RP without being approved Gang –  Gangs can apply in Discord for Criminal Organizations, but must be approved before RP’ing as the Gang.
  37. No Political/Social IRL RP – Everyone has a different viewpoint on social, religious and political issues IRL, so to be fair to everyone, we do not allow RP any kind of (but not limited to) Real-World political, religious, social issues or any other “real world” issues, news, events at any time. Just don’t do it, keep your personal view to IRL and don’t bring them to RP. 
  38. No Plane Crashes – If you are able to purchase an aircraft you must follow these rules:
    • ​While flying it is nor permitted to crash your plan, even for RP purposes at any time. If you wish to stage an aircraft emergency, you can do so by contacting Staff and LEO Supervisors in advance, we are happy to have interesting Aircraft RP. The Aircraft emergency RP should NOT involve Crashing. You may never crash your aircraft into a building.
  39. Aircraft Maneuvers – You may conduct standard aircraft maneuvers such as touch and go, practice landing, practice aborted take-off/landing, however, you may NOT perform any such maneuver that will result in a crash, and must do so only on marked and approved airfields and/or runways.
  40. Aircraft Stunts – You can only perform Aircraft Stunts away from populated areas. If there is a danger of crashing as a part of the stunt, you must practice the stunts over the ocean, never over land.
  41. No Crime or PVP in Green Zone – It is FailRP to runaway from a crime and enter a green zone. No Criminal RP should be brought to a Green Zone. You are not allowed to “camp out” in green zones to ambush other players as they leave, or loiter in green zones.
    • No Loitering in Green Zone: (Green Zone camping):
      • There is a time limit of 5 minutes in a green zone unless you are conducting business (such as in the hospital because you are injured or you have business at the Police Station).
      • We may enforce green-zones in-game, however, in case it is not restricted by the game, these places are still a green zones, and the rules still apply:
        1. Police Stations​
        2. Emergency Stations (Fire/EMS)
        3. Hospitals ​
        4. Garages
        5. Other Designated Locations (check with Staff)
      • The purpose of the green zone loitering rule is to prevent RDM/VDM and promote players to engage in RP instead of just hanging around in large groups at one place, which will also impact players frame rates and game quality.
      • f you are loitering in a Green Zone AND VDMing people with your car you you will be charged with RDM and GreenZone violation rules which will be more severe.
  42. If Police are offline, No PVP crimes – PVP (Player v.s. Player) crimes, such as robberies, kidnappings, murders, stealing vehicles from players, etc. are not allowed when there are no police (LEO) on line. However, if there is a mutual agreement within both parties, it is allowed as long as you let an admin know ahead of time, and you are aware that no Police will respond.
  43. Self-Revive – (Reviving after being “killed” in RP Scenes. Remember you are still in RP. Whether Civ or LEO, if you are dead stay dead. If you revive, this is called “Self Rev” and you may be kicked or banned. You shouuld not Revive or Leave the Scene until the Scene is over or you are instructed to do so. This includes NOT sending yourself to the Hospital until the Scene is over, and NOT calling the AI Medic during a Scene.  If you call AI medicwhile the Scene is going on, you will be subject to punishment for Self-Revive.
  44. When EMS are on duty, do not re-spawn without permission – If you were killed in a way where you cannot be revived, please let the medics know in RP. For example, /me was shot in the head multiple times and has no pulse. If you revive and leave or re-spawn, you are not allowing EMS to have a chance to RP.  Once EMS has handled the scene and RP is over you can re-spawn.
  45. No unreasonable money demands – If you are robbing a player, do not make unreasonable demands for cash. It is not reasonable to expect a person on the street will have $10K on them. maybe $100, or all of their cash.
  46. You cannot kidnap/rob the same player more than once within 24 hours – unless RP is agreed upon in advance with all parties, i.e. longer scene where maybe you kidnap them, they escape and you chase them again. BUT – This type of scene must have advance mutual agreement. If you continuously chase, attack, rob, kill or kidnap, RDM/VDM the same player or players continuously in different RP scenes or with no RP, it is considered Harassment (See Community Rule #1) 
  47. If you plan to kidnap any player, there must be at least 4 officers on-duty – If you are unsure on how many cops are on duty, you can check the in-game scoreboard.
  48. COP/EMS Kidnapping is prohibited at all times, unless agreed ahead of time with the COP, the LEO supervisor –  You cannot kidnap or kill a cop/medic if they are the only cop/medic on-duty.
  49. No Policing the Police – If you feel you have been mistreated in a police RP situation, do not police the police. Use the proper channels (IE: Reporting said officer to a higher up in RP). Do not contact an admin unless the officer is clearly breaking a server rule. Consider abuse of power as in character and report it as you see fit in RP. If Police are breaking server rules, call for admin, use in game /report, or open an IA ticket in Discord.
  50. No Toleration for continued disregard for in game laws including traffic, felony and misdemeanor laws will not be tolerated – This does not mean that you cannot break laws, it just means that driving excessively fast everywhere you go (GTA Driving), running every light at high speeds, starting fights for little to no RP reason (FailRP) or any other form of non-RP activity will not be tolerated.
  51. Just because you are friends with a person, does not permit you to kill them for no reason – Everything must be RP’d out to the fullest, or you will receive consequences, it is considered FailRP